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(May, 2006)

Today I read your poem
and walked into your life,
passing through;
and I am not what I was,
for your wise words hang
in my sky of unknowing.
I have so much to learn,
so many turnings
on a road of bright stones
that tease the new moon.

When I look forward,
the layers go deeper,
deeper than I thought
in my darkest of nights;
and the journey more strange
with its wreckage of grief.
But you are still changing,
constantly growing,
exulting somewhat,
going and shining,
toward the horizon
and its promise of song.


Peter Thabit Jones © 2016


Published in POET TO POET #1 BRIDGING THE WATERS - SWANSEA TO SAG HARBOR by Peter Thabit Jones and Vince Clemente, 2008